Monday, June 6, 2011

The start of things to come.....

Well I did say I would keep you updated with my studio, and amazingly its starting to take shape... please dont mind the mess under the carport (that will get cleaned out soon) oh and all the beers (apparently its THIRSTY WORK) lol

But here is a sneak peak of what It looked like this afternoon

So if you excuse the mess and have a look in the back (where the roller door is - which is going to get replace with a wall and door) you will notice two windows, a black one and a white frame one.. the black frame one is NOW sitting in the frame closest to the gate and the white one will eventually be in the wall in the middle....

This may look pretty unimpressive at the moment but i am amazed because its all being made by my partner and his friend (and for those who know these two its a BIG thing LOL) - oh and Ive drilled a few screws in etc too :)

In the end it will be VERY impressive and Ill be able to say I have a top class studio :)
Feel free to let me know what you think so far... and look out for more updates soon :)

Liss xx