Friday, March 25, 2011

Introducing my new package

Hey all,
Well until recently I was quite happy just taking photos and providing cds to my clients.. I like to do this because then YOU have control of the photos you print, how many you print AND the sizes you print them at. So many times I see people with a fist full of 'wallet' photos, now I know a lot of people give them to relatives but do you REALLY want that many? Or the great debate over who to give what photo to.... Grandparents always tend to love the same photo that you do, and its always the one that you only get ONE photo of.

The other night I was in bed, woke up and started thinking... as I seem to do a LOT lately.. I have been doing a heap of newborn or small baby photoshoots lately and I LOVE getting the 'little things' such as newborn fuzz, little ears, cute little fingers/fists, lips and such... and of course their ADORABLE feet!

I seemed to have epiphany ... OMG how adorable would it be to get a photo of your childrens feet... So the next day... I set up.. "Are WE having a photoshoot? Are we going to have props? What are we going to do? What am I going to wear? How can I wear my hair" - and all this was within a 2 second blurt from Makayla. When I told her it didnt matter what her hair looked like I got a puzzled look... (Im always on at her about brushing and doing her hair nicely).

I sat them down and trying to get 3 kids (especially MINE) to sit still for more than a half a microsecond is a chore! Grabbed my camera and Snapped... Makayla and Isla were so excited to see what their photo looked like and if they did "GOOD" ... Once finished they were so pleased, and I am too... I plan to get a 20x32" foamcore poster of the photo and put it in the entrance of my hallway.

But I want to extend this great idea to you too... It would make an awesome mothers/nannas day present and Im sure that everyone would agree its such a great way of showing your growing children...


you get a 20 min mini session:

* Including either a 20" x 30/32" foamcore print OR 3mm MDF 16"x20" mounted print. (example above)
* During this time a few other photos will be taken which can be purchased 5 photos on cd for $50 (including already printed photo)

I have made sure that its included on a beautifully presented large wall mount so that mum can cherish it forever. It is a great size so that you too can put it somewhere prominent where people will definately admire it. For the awesome price of $50 you can get that photo on a cd so you can then reprint it, along with 4 other photos, AWESOME VALUE ...

this is a special limited time only offer that is sure to book fast.

When you book IF you are a follower of my blog PLEASE mention this!!! :)

Also feel free to comment and let me know what you think of my blogging so far... Is it what you expected? What would YOU like to see in my blogs? I love to hear what you are thinking. Remember, subscribe to my blog for updates, specials and feel free to share with friends also.

Be in touch again soon no doubt.
Elissa xx

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